As Seen on
Reduce Anxiety And Get More Done: 11 Stress Management Tips For Entrepreneurs
"Dive Into Your True Passion. Churchill believed a busy mind cannot — and should not — be commanded to rest. He understood it's impossible to tell a thinker to stop thinking. Regarding managing stress, he said to focus on your passion. It may sound counter-intuitive to productivity, but Churchill said to dive deeply and intensely into your true passion. That new activity allows the brain to rest from tiresome tasks, and then do more."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
10 Ways To Confront
A Difficult Boss
"Set A Time Limit. You're new on the job and your insecure boss feels superior because you don't yet know everything. Take the high road here. It's still early. You actually don't know office dynamics here or the real personality of your boss. Set a time limit for discovery; do your best. Also, trust your early intuition and begin planning a possible exit strategy; your boss may have a deeper personality disorder."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
Working From Home?
13 Ways To Beat A Sedentary Lifestyle
"Measure Your Steps Daily.
If you work from home, there likely will be a moment when you suddenly realize you aren't taking very many physical steps in a day. This shocking epiphany rarely presents itself until you start consciously measuring your movement. So, get an app for your phone or an activity tracker. As in other facets of good business, measuring is a key to success."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
15 Ways New College Grads Should Ready Themselves For The Workforce
"Document Your Potential. A resume supported by a portfolio will help others immediately understand your skills, abilities, qualities and great potential. From volunteer work to classroom projects to passionate hobbies, find a way to relate what you have done to what you can be paid to do. Then, keep documenting your achievements. A picture really is worth a thousand words. When you can, let your work speak for you."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
14 Critical Components Of Successful Team-Building Activities
"Fun And Relevance. The top components for team building? Relevance and fun. To be meaningful, guided exercises must propel the group toward a real goal. The clearly defined purpose may be serious, but the learning activity itself should be fun. Fun is powerful because setting the stage for fun unlocks creativity. Creative thinking leads to innovation. Innovation is the cornerstone for success. Discover that together."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
Are You Scaling Too Fast? 15 Ways To Know For Sure, Then Fix The Problem
'"A Red-Flag Phrase'. You may be scaling too quickly if you ever hear, "the big benefits totally outweigh the problems. Let's forge ahead for the bigger things." Just remember that problems are like cockroaches: They don't magically go away. They typically multiply. So, address each problem fully, then resolve each one at the earliest stage possible while the problem is still in a small containable stage and space. Always."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
12 Things You Can Do To Worry Less About Money
"Consider These Three Changes. Worry is a misuse of your imagination. Refocus that energy, and stop wasting it. Know, too, that external action is also required. If the light bill could be paid with an abundant attitude, nobody would ever worry about money. If money is short for you, consider three changes: cut expenses, increase outreach, and check the math on your pricing margins. Know this: Plenty of money does exist."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
How To Make The Most Of 2017's Booming Job Market
"Clean Up Your Social Media. It's a small world. Take a fresh look at your social media and see if any of your remarks or posts from the election year need to be removed. You have a right to believe and speak your truths. But be aware: for better or worse, your remarks could impact your future employment. The key: Take a good look; make sure your own posts represent you properly. Your social media is part of every interview."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
12 Things Stay-At-Home Parents Should Avoid When Reentering The Workforce
"Forget They Aren't At Home Anymore. Don't expect the business world to put your kids first every time your family's personal needs conflict with the company's professional needs. Why? Because it can be profoundly disappointing to discover that "flexible schedule" may mean more flexibility from you than from them. So, don't forget to set clear boundaries between work and home. Manage expectations so work is work and home is home."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
12 Effective Tips For Better Sleep As A Busy Professional
"Reframe And Reschedule Rest Time. For high achievers, required down time may be difficult because rest is often characterized as doing nothing. Doing nothing ignites fear and anxiety for people who like to be busy. So, reframe and rebrand the situation. Find a focused activity that pulls the busy brain away from the work routine. Refresh the soul with laughter. Recharge the body with exercise or deep breathing. Sleep will happen."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
11 Simple Ways To Make Customers Feel Valued
"Listen, Then Remember. Actively listening to people does more than earn trust—it earns loyalty and even love for who you are and what you do. So, listen. Make sure you hear properly. Ask relevant questions. Brainstorm ideas. But then, remember. And when you remember, revisit. Say, "I thought about you today and I wondered how things are progressing since we were together." And when they respond, listen some more."
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America
13 Strategies To Ask For A Job Without Sounding Desperate
"Volunteer For A Cause They Care About. Identify a charity supported by the company of your dreams, then jump in and really help that charity. While volunteering, make a point to meet, know and work alongside the folks from the dream company. The worst thing that'll happen? You meet caring people on a level playing field doing great stuff for a wonderful cause. The best? All that, plus you network with potential employers—and shine!"
Robin Blakely
Creative Center of America